Ibizan Hound Dog Info And Characteristics

The Ibizan Hound or Podenco Ibicenco dog is a primitive Sighthound originating from, as its name suggests, Ibiza (Balaeric Islands), Spain. The breed, also known as Balaeric Dog, was developed from the pariah dogs brought from Ancient Egypt to Ibiza by the Phoenician traders, a few thousand years ago. There, in the seclusion of its native island, it left isolated for centuries. This isolation is the reason this dog remained nearly unchanged to this very day. Ibizan Dog is quite similar to other Mediterranean hounds, such as Podenco Canario, Portuguese PodengoCirneco dell Etna or Pharaoh Hound. He is included in the Primitive Types – Hunting Dogs group in the class of primitive dog breeds. The Ibizan Hound is a slim and agile hunting dog, who is often used to hunt small game in its native country. He is highly intelligent, playful, quiet and elegant. Podenco Ibicenco life span can vary from 11 up to 14 years. Continue Reading →

Cirneco dell’Etna Dog Info And Characteristics

The Cirneco dell Etna or Sicilian Hound is a primitive Sighthound originating from Sicily, Italy. He is of the same ancestry like Pharaoh Hound, Podenco Canario, and all other hounds originating from the Old World. The breed was brought by the Phoenicians from the ancient Cyrenaica to Sicily, some 3.000 years ago. There, limited by space, it left isolated for centuries, with the biggest population around the volcanic Mount Etna, hence such name. The breed is included in the Primitive Types – Hunting Dogs group in the class of primitive dogs, and it’s very rare outside its native island. Cirneco dell Etna is an agile, medium-sized hunting dog, who is, in his native country, primarily used in hunting rabbits. It is the smallest of all Mediterranean hounds with whom he shares so many common qualities. Sicilian Hound life expectancy is somewhere between 12 and 15 years. Continue Reading →

Norrbottenspets Dog Info And Characteristics

The Norrbottenspets or Norrbotten Spitz is a Spitz-type hound originating from Norrbotten, a province in the north of Sweden, and Lappland, Finland. This dual naturalization is the reason some people think that the name of the dog is inappropriate since it is based only on Swedish province. So, they simply call him Nordic Spitz, while in Finland he is known as Pohjanpystykorva. Anyhow, the dog is recognized under the name Norrbottenspets all around the world, so we will use it too. The breed is officially included in the Nordic Hunting Dogs group in the class of Spitz and primitive dogs. It is a small and agile dog, quite similar to the Norwegian Lundehund and Finnish Spitz, used primarily in hunting the smaller game, such as grouse, squirrel, raccoon, ermine, fox, marten, etc. Also, he can be successfully used for herding, watching, and even in search and rescue missions. Continue Reading →

Podenco Canario Dog Information And Characteristics

The Podenco Canario or Canary Islands Hound (translated from Spanish) is a primitive Greyhound originating from, as its name suggests, Canary Islands, Spain. It is a Spitz-type dog, quite similar to other Mediterranean hounds – the Podenco Ibicenco of Balearic Islands, Podengo Português of Portugal, Pharaoh Hound of Malta, and Cirneco dell Etna in Sicily. He is included in the Primitive Types – Hunting Dogs section in the class of primitive dogs. It is one of the oldest primitive breeds. This Canarian Hound descends from a very ancient Pariah-type dogs brought from Egypt and Northern Africa to the Canary Islands by Greeks, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, and the Egyptians themselves in antiquity, several thousand years ago. Here, the breed remained isolated until the recent years. This dog is actually very rare outside his home country. Continue Reading →

Norwegian Elkhound Dog Info And Characteristics

The Grey Norwegian Elkhound or Norwegian Moose Dog (Norsk Elghund in native language) is one of the oldest Spitz type dogs in the world. There are some proofs that this breed was developed some 6.000 years ago by local Scandinavian population. Norsk Elghund, together with the Finnish Lapphund, Swedish Lapphund, Lapponian Herder, and Swedish Elkhound, belongs to a group of dogs that were further developed through hybridization of male dogs and female wolves after their domestication. Today, this dog is included in the Nordic Hunting Dogs section in class of primitive dog breeds. So, what is a Norwegian Elkhound in general? This is a medium-sized working dog mainly used to support big game hunt – bear, wolf or moose. He can be also successfully used for guarding, watching and herding. This is a strong and agile breed with a huge personality and self-confidence. This dog’s boisterous spirit is very moving, so the people owning one of these will have a lot of fun. The Norwegian Elkhound life expectancy is somewhere between 12 and 16 years, although they can sometimes live a few years longer. Continue Reading →