The main reason I started the Primitive Dogs website, together with a few of my friends, was my Siberian Husky called Leah. She is now 6 years old, and in that time frame we’ve been through a lot. You cannot fathom how much love and respect I have for this dog. I will be honest with you, when I brought her home for the first time, I didn’t have a single clue what kind of dogs are Huskies. Since I already had a few dogs before, I thought they are more or less the same. How naive :)
In a short time, my Husky proved how wrong I was. During all these years, I’ve learned a lot about Siberian Huskies, the good, the bad, but the most important thing, I’ve learned to respect them, their free will, intelligence, stubbornness, independence, etc. Also, I’ve learned how to earn their respect! This wasn’t an easy task, no, and that’s why I decided to make this website. This whole thing came to life out of true love towards dogs and animals in general. And, yeah, Leah is my biggest inspiration – all the thanks go to her :)
That’s the reason I decided to dedicate this, the very first gallery here at the Primitive Dogs website to this wonderful dog. Actually, many of these pictures are made during her first litter – She had nine puppies and took care of every single one of them like a pro. So, meet my Husky Leah and her babies. Enjoy and have fun :)